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What did you do last weekend? On Sunday, 11 cadets from 1338 Seaham squadron visited the brand-new Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Wing Activity Centre (WAC) to make use of the amazing facilities! The WAC provides squadrons with the resources to run "out of the box activities" and they made full use of this. Throughout the day, sessions were conducted using: the flight simulators in the aerospace suite; MTA STEM kits; UHF Radios in the cyber, communications and conference suite; archery range; and STEM workshop, as well as using the three training spaces for DofE using sports, leadership and communications tasks. All cadets had a great day with Cadet Tanner saying “I would love to go to the WAC again – I really enjoyed it and loved every activity” and Cpl Redhead adding “I would definitely recommend visiting as it is both fun and educational. A huge Thank You to the WAC team who made the facilities possible, as well as the funding providers who supported the development of the Wing Activity Centre. Do you fancy getting involved in any of these activities? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? Aged between 12 (and in year 8 ) and 17? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now, send us a message to find out more. #WhatWeDo 1338 (Seaham) Squadron ATC Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets Royal Air Force Air Cadets

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