Tonight saw a number of cadets at 1248 Prudhoe Squadron Air Cadets receive a multitude of awards as a result of their hard work! Pictured below are: • Heartstart certificates and badges for Sergeants Erving and McLaughlin, as well as cadets Manson, Armstrong and Clark. • Foundation Leadership badges for cadets Robertson and Clark. • A Master Air Cadet badge presented to cadet Boyles • A Silver First Aid badge for Sgt McLaughlin, awarded after completing his Activities First Aid Course. Sgt McLaughlin can now assist in the teaching of First Aid on the Squadron as a result of completing this course. These four awards are just a small number in the many activities available in the Air Cadets. Keep up the good work everyone! #1248sqn #aircadets #rafac #awards #firstaid #simpleskillssavelives #leadership #training Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Regional Commandant North - Air Cadets